Behind The Scenes of An 8-Figure Brand
Generating $74,000/DAY In Sales

Behind The Scenes of An
8-Figure Brand Generating $74,000/DAY In Sales

Sign up for FREE to see exactly how we help this e-commerce brand
generate $74,000/DAY through Paid Traffic, Email Marketing & CRO
Sign up for FREE to see exactly how we help this e-commerce brand generate $74,000/DAY through Paid Traffic, Email Marketing & CRO


Hey! I'm Jordan Bazouzi, Founder and CEO of Nu Reach Media.

Thanks for checking out this page and case study.

Today, I'm fortunate to stand at the helm of marketing for an e-commerce brand, generating over $74,000/DAY in sales.

Imagine being able to peek behind the curtain of a multi 8-figure brand.

The backend. 
The ads strategy.
The email & sms strategy.
The conversion rate optimization they focus on.

Well, that's exactly what this free training offers.

I'll pull back the curtain on this brand.

You'll discover the ins and outs of how we operate at this scale, the decisions we make daily, and the strategies we employ to maintain our growth and success.

An opportunity like this is extremely rare! It's not often a multi-8-figure brand is willing to share their secrets, strategies and knowledge that brought them this far.

If you're serious about e-commerce, if you're truly committed to taking your brand to the next level, then this is the training you CANNOT afford to miss.

The question now is: are you ready to see behind the scenes?

Click the link below and get access now!

Remember, opportunities to see BTS on a brand like don't just happen often.

Looking forward to seeing you on the inside,

Hey! I'm Jordan Bazouzi, Founder and CEO of Nu Reach Media.

Thanks for checking out this page and case study.

Today, I'm fortunate to stand at the helm of marketing for an e-commerce brand, generating over $74,000/DAY in sales.

Imagine being able to peek behind the curtain of a multi 8-figure brand.

The backend. 
The ads strategy.
The email & sms strategy.
The conversion rate optimization they focus on.

Well, that's exactly what this free training offers.

I'll be pulling back the curtain on this brand.

You'll discover the ins and outs of how we operate at this scale, the decisions we make daily, and the strategies we employ to maintain our growth and success.

An opportunity like this is extremely rare! It's not often a multi-8-figure brand is willing to share their secrets, strategies and knowledge that brought them this far.

If you're serious about e-commerce, if you're truly committed to taking your brand to the next level, then this is the training you CANNOT afford to miss.

The question now is: are you ready to see behind the scenes?

Click the link below and get access now!

Remember, opportunities to see BTS on a brand like don't just happen often.

Looking forward to seeing you on the inside,

Nu Reach Media 2023. All Rights Reserved.